We Follow
the  LOGIC  of

Accordingly we evolved
our Methodology to

  • Live an Experience

    When participants come to the training they live an experience; a theme. They are directors in companies or detectives trying to investigate a crime. When they live an experience, neural networks in the brain form ensuring engagement of the participants and retention of the knowledge.

  • On Demand

    We appreciate that every customer has his unique needs & challenges, therefore, off the shelf solutions cannot satisfy all needs. We have a dedicated customized solution team that customizes and tailors solutions to satisfy the unique needs of our customers. 

  • Gamification

    Why do adults like playing PlayStation and Computer Games? Sense of Achievement, engagement and Recognition. So our approach is to bring the fun and advantages of gaming inside the training room.

  • Interactive Technology

    Since everyone is extremely attached to technology and mobile phones, we do not fight this, we rather made them part of our learning experience. Replacing standard workbooks with tablets enables participants to easily navigate the content, make online research and take online self-assessments. Moreover, we were able through the tablets to increase the level of engagement and competition between the participants by using interactive live quizzes.

  • Continuity

    We highly believe that learning only starts in the training room. This is why we created “Training+” to support our customers with reinforcement tools that can help with the retention and application of the Knowledge. From simple SMS after the training and further reading, to one on one coaching and follow up days.
    Options for Reinforcement
    - Follow up reinforcement days 
    - Case-Studies
    - Email and SMS shots 
    - Facebook hub 
    - On the job coaching